
We are a 501(c)3 organization

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Our facility dogs assist Facilities in the pursuit of their activities. For example, at rehab facilities one of our highly trained dogs would assist in the rehabilitation of patients. In a courtroom, or district attorney’s office, our dog would assist people to navigate through a stressful situation. A staff member of the facility would agree to be the guardian dog, and would take it home at night, and on weekends. The facility would be responsible for the expenses to care for the dog.
(Avg. of $1,500/yr).
For more information, please contact us at 917-449-5359.


    Name of person completing this form

    Salutation* :

    Please indicate if you will be the guardian of the dog, will humanely care for the dog at your home off hours as though it's your pet and responsibly attend to its medical needs or if anyone else will be the dog's guardian? If someone else will, please enter name, email and phone # below.*YesNo

    Type of clients served*

    Weekly volume of clients served*

    Have you ever had a Facility Dog before?*YesNo

    If yes, please describe the dog - length of service, what it did, successes and failures.

    What tasks would you like a Putnam Service Dog to do to assist in serving your clients?

    What personality traits in the dog would help?

    What size dog would you prefer?

    Please describe the environment of your facility. Example: Urban, noisy, chaotic, lots of wheel chairs, etc.

    Please acknowledge your facility is willing to cover the costs to feed, and attend to the medical needs of a Service Dog ($1,500+/yr).*YesNo

    If No, who will cover these costs?

    Is there anything else you would like to add?