
We are a 501(c)3 organization

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Thank you for applying for a free Service Dog from Putnam Service Dogs.

Putnam Service Dogs outside logo

Unfortunately, the demand for service dogs far exceeds the number of service dogs available nationwide.

We are overwhelmed by the interest in our service dogs, which means we have a very long wait list and it is unpredictable to tell who and when someone gets a service dog. We match each graduating dog to the applicant’s needs, and home situation. The final, most important step, is introducing 3 applicants to the dog (more if that’s what it takes) to see who the dog naturally likes. Our dogs make the ultimate choice on who their person is.

We are training as many puppies as our space and resources accommodate.

In the meantime, there are a few steps to consider:

  • Consider a donation of any amount to help us train a great service dog?

  • Read our blog! You’ll find information about requirements for service dog recipients, how to prepare for your first week with a service dog, and much more.

  • Subscribe to our newsletter

  • Connect with us! Follow us on social media and attend an upcoming event.

Nancy Teague with a new service puppy

Your donation saves lives!